Due to privacy concerns, multiple people are not permitted to share the same login. To protect the privacy of rental applicants, only one landlord per account is able to verify and view screening reports.
Articles in this section
- Why does my account need an application manager?
- What does it mean to enable or accept applications for my properties?
- How much does the application cost?
- Can I pay the fee for the applicant?
- What if I share my login with a co owner. Who should get verified?
- If my state has rules about the application fees that I can charge to my applicants, can I adjust the fees that Zillow charges to applicants?
- How does the renter pay their application fee?
- I have a tenant referral and do not plan to publicly list the property for rent. Can I still use this service to collect an identity verified application with credit screening and background check?
- In my state, I’m allowed to charge for my time to evaluate applicants. Can I collect that fee through your services?