There can be various reasons that your identity cannot be verified:
- Experian cannot match your personal information (name, social security number, current address) to any records because either the information provided is wrong, or there is no file match.
- The answers to authentication questions are incorrect.
- Your credit file is frozen with Experian.
- An issue with your IP address (internet location). Please double-check the information you entered (name, DOB, SSN, address) and try opening your application from a different location or device. If you are connected to WIFI, please try disconnecting from the WIFI and use your cellular data instead. Or if you run into any additional troubles from your mobile device, please try from a different device such as a desktop or laptop.
- You entered an international address or phone number. Please note, these are not currently supported.
- You are currently outside of the US. If this is the case, you will be unable to proceed to the screening reports for your application. The screening report is restrained to US IP addresses only, due to restrictions in our contracts with our partners. If you are living outside of the U.S. and have access to a valid U.S. IP address or VPN (military or employer-provided), please connect to it before viewing the screening reports in your prospective tenant's application.
If you are receiving a message that Experian was unable to verify your identity and you believe that it is an error, please try the following troubleshooting steps:
- Enter your full legal name, not a nickname or abbreviated version of your name (example: enter Jennifer vs. Jenn).
- Double-check your address and zip code. If you haven't been living at your new address for long, try using a previous address.
- Although a social security number is not required, try entering your social security number as an added method of verification.
If you're entering all the information correctly, but still cannot ID verify, contact Experian here or call 1-800-509-8495.